Exercise Guide
Chest exercises:
1. Flat Barbell Bench Press
2. Flat Dumbbell Fly's
3. Chest Press Machines
4. Decline Bench Press
1. Flat Barbell Bench Press
Starting Position:
• Lay with back on bench so your head is near the end and eyes are below
racked bar.
• Place both feet firmly on the ground where it is most comfortable.
• Grip barbell slightly wider than shoulder width, make sure it’s even.
• Back, feet, head, and shoulders should be firm and sturdy.
• Signal spotter when ready to begin.
*Note: you should always have a spotter during this exercise
Downward Movement Phase:
• Lower the bar to touch the chest at approximately nipple level.
• Keep wrist stiff and perpendicular to the floor while parallel to each other.
• Maintain the head, shoulders, back, and feet positions.
Upward Movement Phase:
• Push the bar up until the elbows are fully extended.
• Keep wrist stiff and perpendicular to the floor and parallel to each other.
• Do NOT arch the back or rise the chest to meet the bar.
• At the end of the set signal the spotter that you are finished.
• Do not let go of grip until bar is fully racked.
2. Flat Dumbbell Fly's
Starting Position:• Grasp two dumbbells with a closed pronated grip.
• Lie with your back on the incline bench.
• Maintain firm contact between your head, back, and legs.
• Extend the elbows and press dumbbells up above the head and
• This is the starting position.
Downward Movement Phase:• Lower the dumbbells in unison at the level of the nipple.
• Keep the wrist stiff and directly above the elbows to prevent
• Do not arch back or rise chest to meet dumbbells.
Upward Movement Phase:• Push the dumbbells back up in unison to the starting position.
• Keep wrist stiff and above elbows.
• Movement is complete when dumbbells are at starting position.
3. Chest Press Machines
*Note: This description is given assuming the wide variations of chest press machines that you may use. I will provide a basic description of this exercise that ALL chest press machines will likely follow regardless of design. Always make adjustments based on the machine you will be using.
Starting position:
• Sit down in seat with the head, shoulders, and feet firmly
• Grip tightly and keep upper arms parallel to floor.
• Do not bend at the wrist, keep them stiff.
• Align bars at the nipple level of the chest.
Upward Movement Phase:
• Remember to keep upper arms parallel to the floor.
• Keep wrist stiff as you extend elbows our in front of you.
• Stop just shy of full elbow extension to prevent injury and keep
tension on muscles throughout motion.
Downward Movement Phase:
• Allow handles to move slowly back in place.
• Do not allow them to drop as injury could occur.
• Stop handles movement once just shy of the starting position to
keep tension on the chest muscles.
4. Decline Bench Press
Starting position:
• Lay back on the decline bench and secure front of ankles under
foot pads.
• Be sure to set length of bench so that when you look up when
laying down, the bar is at eye level.
• Place hands slight wider than shoulder width
with an overhand grip.
• Un-rack weight or have a spotter assist you.
• This is your starting position.
Downward Movement Phase:
• Lower the bar slowly to your chest at the nipple level.
• Keep upper arms parallel to the bench and your forearms
perpendicular to the bench.
• Keep wrist directly underneath elbows and keep them stiff.
• Lower to just an inch or two above chest (whatever feels most
Upward Movement Phase:
• Press bar directly up to just shy of full elbow extension.
• Be sure to not let far sway up or down as this can lead to injury.
• A spotter is recommended for this exercise.

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