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Nutrition Guide
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Free Diet Plans:
3000 Calorie Diet:
A weight gainers diet
3000 Calorie Diet Plan

This diet for individuals requiring approximately 3000 calories a day based on current activity level, height, weight, age,etc. To find out your daily caloric intake check out the Daily Caloric Intake Calculator page and then choose the appropriate diet plan based on your results. Included here is the diet that is to be followed daily and a shopping list for your convenience.
# Item Calories Protein Carbs Fat
Meal One
3 Whole Eggs
Cup Oatmeal
Skim Milk (8 oz.)
Whole Wheat Bread (1 slice)
Meal One Totals
Meal Two
Protein Skim Milk (14oz.)
Flax Oil (1 tbsp.)
Meal Two Totals
Meal Three
Baked Potato (1 medium size)
Turkey Sandwich
Skim Milk (8 oz.)
Meal Three Totals
Meal Four
Protein Skim Milk (14oz.)
Flax Oil (1 tbsp.)
Meal Four Totals
Meal Five
Lean Ground Beef
Whole Wheat Bread (2 Slices)
Brown Rice (1 Cup)
Meal Five Totals
w/ Skim Milk (14oz.)
Flax Oil (1 tbsp.)
Meal Six Totals
The Day's Totals Calories
225 19 2 15
110 2 27 0
80 8 12 0
69 3 13 1
484 32 54 16
420 56 45 2
135 0 0 15
555 56 45 17
91 2 21 0
289 18 46 4
80 8 12 0
460 28 79 4
420 56 45 2
135 0 0 15
555 56 45 17
321 29 0 22
138 6 26 2
235 6 49 2
694 41 75 26
120 24 3 51
270 0 0 29
390 24 3 30
3,138 237 301 110
Follow this diet day in and day out and you are sure to pack on that lean mass while keeping fat levels to a minimum. The products listed in the diet routine (blue links) are the recommended products and work with this diet optimally but if you want to use another product for any reason you can visit or fitness store with a huge selection of supplements and far cheaper than other supplement sources.