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Supplement Guide
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A. About/How it Works
B. Cost
C. Effects
D. Pros and Cons
E. Try It
A. About
Caffeine is the active substance found many products such as in tea, coffee, and guarana. Caffeine has long been used by many as an ergogenic aid which has been shown to improve physical ability and cognition.
Many athletes use caffeine as it has been shown to beneficial for many Olympic sports, weightlifting, and endurance activities. Caffeine has been shown to increase thermogenesis, a process that produces heat in the body, so that you burn more fat. It essentially increases your metabolism for a short time.
Caffeine is well known for being brewed and consumed in liquid form. Supplement companies have made it easier to consume caffeine without buying large tubs (some expensive) and going through making it every time.
Caffeine can be found in pill and powder forms as well to maximize the usability of the products. Now you can simply pop in a few caffeine pills and your good to go. No brewing, no dishes, no mess.
How Does it Work?
Caffeine is a stimulant which blocks the effects of adenosine. Adenosine is a brain chemical that stops dopamine and adrenaline from being released which we all know can increase our energy.
So really caffeine works in a crazy chain of events. It shuts off Adenosine receptors so Adenosine is no longer active which usually turns off dopamine and adrenaline. So now dopamine and adrenaline are free along with the caffeine to boost your mood and everything else.
The effects of caffeine typically peak at about 30-60 minutes after consumption although everybody is different. It takes hours for caffeine to leave the system with its half life being 5 hours long.
This means if you took a 200mg caffeine supplement at 1pm, then at 6pm you will still have 100mg of caffeine left in your system. Good for long days of work but bad for sleeping. It is important to limit caffeine intake within 5 hours of sleep for this reason as we need that dopamine that is blocked by caffeine to help us sleep!
To put this in perspective the average cup of coffee (5oz) is between 50-140mg per cup varying with different brands and boldness. This is only 5oz which most Americans drink a cup equivalent to 20mg per “cup” at local coffee stores.
Average: $5-$15
This is only an average and many can cost more or less than this range.
• Increase Endurance
• Increase Cognition
• Increase Focus
• Decrease fat levels
• Increase Thermogenesis
D.Pros and Cons
Builds Muscle. Indirectly builds muscle as caffeine increases intensity and therefore your effort.
Increase Energy. These stimulants will leave you with a “rush” to workout longer and harder.
Boost Intensity. Will allow your intensity during workouts to increase more than you ever thought.
Improve Endurance. Workout longer with increased energy stores.
Increases Focus. Improves how well you are able to hold your focus and really concentrate on the task at hand.
Easy Consumption. Many companies make power or pill forms rather than having to brew a cup of coffee.
Price. Less expensive than almost all other stimulants.
Dehydration. Caffeine is well known for its dehydration effects so make sure you drink plenty of water when using them.
Taste. If going with old fashioned coffee, the taste may be too much for you if you’re not a coffee drinker. However there are other forms that are nearly tasteless such as powder and pill caffeine products.
E.Try It
Here is a link where you can purchase a popular and effective Caffeine product at a very competitive price:
Supplement Information