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Supplement Information:
Creatine Ethyl Ester (CEE)

A. About/How it Works
B. Cost
C. Effects
D. Pros and Cons
E. Try It
A. About
Creatine has become one of the most popular products in the supplement world with athletes and bodybuilder alike. Creatine has many beneficial effects such as increasing muscle mass, strength, and energy.
Creatine Ethyl Ester (CEE) is simply creatine monohydrate with an ester compound attached. Esters are organic and attached to the creatine monohydrate compound to increase the amount of creatine absorbed into your body and eliminate side effects of creatine such as dehydration and bloating.
Usually a smaller dosage of creatine ethyl ester is needed to get the same effect of creatine monohydrate. Creatine ethyl ester is said to be superior to creatine monohydrate in every way and usually taken in pill form.
Why is it better than creatine monohydrate?
Monohydrate is “semi-lipopholic” which means it needs to use fat as a transport mechanism to get to its destination in your body which is inefficient.
Creatine ethyl ester increases the lopopholic characteristics so the esterfied creatine can transport far more efficiently. This is the reasoning behind why creatine monohydrate isn’t as effective as its ethyl ester counterpart.
Keep in mind this idea has been of much debate between two groups: Those who say there is no difference between monohydrate and those who argue ethyl ester is superior. While there are still studies being done and emerging it seems the jury is still out on this one.
At the very least the two are similar in effects but you will be out the few extra dollars ethyl ester cost. At best ethyl ester is the superior creatine and its claims are legitimate. The only real way to know if it works for you is to try it out for yourself.
Average: $35-$45
This is only an average and many can cost more or less than this range.
• Increase strength
• Increase muscle mass
• Increase creatine stores
• Decrease fat levels
• Increase Intensity
• Increase rate of uptake
D.Pros and Cons
Builds Muscle. Although creatine monohydrate doesn’t directly increase muscle mass, it increases your strength which correlates to more muscle.
May Boost Creatine Transport. If the claims are true this would increase how fast and the amount of creatine absorbed.
Increase Energy. You will have more ATP (energy stores) available and will be able to work out longer.
Boost Intensity. Will allow your intensity during work outs to increase due to more energy available.
Easy Use. Most CEE products are made into pill form for ultimate ease and quickness of ingestion.
Reduced GI Symptoms. If you normally have stomach problems after taking monohydrate, try ethyl ester creatine.
Dehydration. Creatine can dehydrate you if you don’t keep adequate hydration levels especially during the initial “loading phase”.
Effectiveness. There is a haziness in the actual effects of ethyl ester creatine as the debate continues.
Price. A little more expensive than monohydrate but could be worth it if the claims are true.
Creatine Response. Not all people will respond the same to creatine with wide variations in results. The only way to know if it works for you is to try it out.
E.Try It
Here is a link where you can purchase a popular and effective Ethyl Ester Creatine product at a very competitive price:

An Example of a CEE product and good brand name who sells them.