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Egg Protein

A. About
B. Cost
C. Effects
D. Pros and Cons
E. Try It
A. About
There are two main parts of the egg- the egg white and the yolk. The yolk has high cholesterol content and is thus usually discarded by many bodybuilders and healthy minded individuals.
The yolks make up about 2/3rds of the egg which is made up of proteins, vitamins, minerals, glucose, and fat. The yolk makes up about half the amount of protein in the entire egg but the high cholesterol and saturated fat content make it not worthwhile to eat the yolk.
The egg white is the best bet for a lean protein source and although the yolk contains some good stuff, it is not worth the amount of bad material.
Here is an overview of the content of the egg:
Egg Yolks:
Calories: 55
Fat: 4.5g
Saturated Fat: 1.6g
Cholesterol: 210mg
Protein: 2.7g
Egg Whites:
Calories: 17
Fat: 0.1g
Saturated Fat: 0g
Cholesterol: 0mg
Protein: 5g
There have been many companies that have been marketing containers of eggs that you can pour rather than try to crack and separate the egg yolk out. There are even protein powders that you can take with all the good stuff of the egg whites.
B. Cost
Average Egg Cartons: $2-$5
Average Liquid Ready Egg Product: $4-$6
Average Egg Protein Powder: $20-$35 (a month’s worth)
This is only an average and many can cost more or less than this range. This product tends to be on the cheaper end of protein products.
C. Effects
• Build Muscle
• Provide “clean” calories
• Enhance weight loss
• Decrease muscle catabolism
• Boost immune system
• Decrease risk for many diseases
D.Pros and Cons
Builds Muscle. If you want to increase the rate you are building muscle with your workouts than whey protein isolate is the best of the best.
Healthy. When eating the egg white only, there are no bad fats or cholesterol for a heart healthy food.
Vitamins and Minerals. Egg whites contain magnesium, potassium, calcium, niacin, copper, zinc, iron, phosphorus, folate, choline, betaine, and vitamin B12. All are vital to good brain and heart health.
Lean Protein. The egg white provides 5g of lean quality protein.
Price. Overall lower price than many other forms of protein supplements.
Low Calories. Take out the yolk and each egg white only contains about 1/3rd the original egg calorie content with 5g of quality protein each.
Sodium Content. Even taking the yolk out won’t save you from this one. Each medium sized egg contains just over 400mg of sodium each.
Slower Uptake. This protein is faster acting than casein or milk protein but slower than protein isolate.
The Taste. If you don’t love eggs you won’t want to supplement with them.
E.Try It
Here is a link where you can purchase a popular and effective Egg Protein Supplement at a very competitive price:

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