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Micellar Casein Protein

A. About
B. Cost
C. Effects
D. Pros and Cons
E. Try It
A. About
Casein protein is well known as being the “slow-acting” protein of the whey protein group. It is slowly taken up by your body and takes hours to do so. This is a great benefit for those who want a nice steady stream of protein throughout the day without constantly eating every hour or so.
Micellar Casein is only one of three casein
proteins with the other two being milk
protein isolate and calcium caseinate.
Micellar casein is the lesser quality of the
three but also usually correlates to a
decreased cost.
It also serves as a nighttime snack in which
many bodybuilders will take some casein
protein before bed. Your body still uses fuel
even while sleeping (at a slower rate) and if
you run out of fuel to use at night your body
will utilize your muscle! This catabolic effect
is eliminated with casein provides fuel
throughout the night.
Casein is naturally found in foods such as cottage cheese and milk. It makes up about 80% of the cow’s milk with the remaining 20% coming from whey protein. It is extracted from milk through an ulta-filtration process and without chemicals.
Micellar protein typically is 100% casein which can be a good or not so good thing. This means it will take a bit longer for your body to initially use the casein as it is made up of ALL slow acting casein vs. 20% fast acting in milk protein isolate.
Some research has shown that when you consume micellar casein the peak point of digestion and utilization is about 3-4 hours later and last as long as 7 hours. By comparison, whey protein will last only about 45min to 1hr max. This is why whey protein is taken right after a workout when you need to digest it fast.
For this reason many people will combine both whey and casein protein supplements to their program for use during different times of the day for max benefits.
Average: $20-$30
This is only an average and many can cost more or less than this range.
• Increase Anabolism (muscle growth state)
• Decrease Catabolism (muscle breakdown state)
• Increase muscle mass
• Decrease fat levels
• Provide lean calories
• Provide wide range of amino acids
D.Pros and Cons
Builds Muscle. Provides quality protein with many amino acids.
Keeps Muscle. Allows your body to stay in a muscle building state all day or night long.
Burns fat. Since this supplement increases your metabolism, it will increase the rate at which you burn fat.
Slow Acting. Great for use during long workouts or at night before bed.
Easy to take. Most casein products are in powder form and mix easily with liquid.
Price. Although there are cheaper forms of protein, no other types provide the slow-release effects that casein does.
GI disturbances. This product can cause gastro intestinal side effects such as extra gas in some individuals especially those who are lactose intolerant.
Slower Uptake. Slower than the other form of casein, milk protein isolate, but faster than casein caseinate.
E.Try It
Here is a link where you can purchase a popular and effective Micellar Casein protein product at a very competitive price:
Casein is timed-released and last hours while you sleep
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