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Milk Thistle

A. About/How it Works
B. Cost
C. Effects
D. Pros and Cons
E. Try It
A. About Milk Thistle
Milk thistle is a thorny pink flowering plant that derives its name from the milky white markings on its leaves as well as its stimulating effect on milk production on nursing mothers.
It was originally used as stated above, in milk production for females. It was also used for menstrual problems, depression, and easing the symptoms of varicose veins. It is currently popular in the treatment of liver disease which can be caused by a variety of factors such as the environment and alcohol abuse.
Liver damaging toxins are everywhere in our daily lives from pollution to the food we eat. The main ingredient in milk thistle is called, “silymarin”. This is an antioxidant which is the active ingredient in milk thistle.
Some diseases and conditions milk thistle can help with are: liver disease, gallstones, mushroom toxicity, high cholesterol, and cancer.
How dose milk thistle work?
Milk thistle works by halting the production of bad cells, such as cancer cells, and stimulating production of new cells. It has been called a “smart herb” because of this level of complexity in effect.
Average: $10-$20
This is only an average and many can cost more or less than this range.
C. Effects
• Increase Liver Function
• Treatment for Liver Failure
• Strong Antioxidant
• Stimulates Milk Production
D.Pros and Cons
• Milk Stimulation. Milk thistle has traditionally been used to stimulate milk production in nursing women, helping improve milk flow.
• Antioxidants. Silymarin is a potent antioxidant, more powerful in fact, than even vitamins C and E. It is effective in neutralizing and protecting against the damaging effects of free radicals. Free radicals are the root cause of many diseases as well as premature aging.
• Liver Function. Milk thistle has been shown to normalize liver function in patients suffering from viral hepatitis, and to alleviate some symptoms of this condition such as fatigue, low appetite and abdominal pain.
• Treatment. Silymarin is the most potent antidote for poisoning resulting from ingesting the deathcap mushroom, which causes severe liver failure.
• Several studies. These have also proven milk thistle to be effective in treating damage caused by alcohol consumption and certain medication such as acetaminophen, a common ingredient in several non-aspirin pain relievers
• Other Diseases. It has also been used medicinally for HIV patients and gall bladder conditions, as well as for psoriasis.
Marketing. There have been a lot of bad companies out there putting a bad rep on milk thistle products. But the good ones really do work! (Below is one of the best.)
E.Try It
Here is a link where you can purchase a popular and effective milk thistle product at a very competitive price: