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Supplement Guide
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Supplement Information:

A. About/How it Works
B. Cost
C. Effects
D. Pros and Cons
E. Try It
A. About
Niacin or otherwise known as vitamin B3 is a water soluble vitamin necessary for good health. This means that your body doesn’ t store it like fat-soluble vitamins which stay in your system for a long time (vitamins A,D,E, and K). Therefore you need a constant small supply of this vitamin.
Niacin is found in naturally occurring foods such as meat, dairy products, and yeast. It has been found to reduce LDL levels (bad cholesterol) and raise HDL (good cholesterol) levels.
Niacin also takes part in many biological processes such as cell repair, metabolism, and reduction in triglyceride levels in the blood. Deficiency of niacin leads to a condition called “pellagra” which can lead to skin conditions, dementia, diarrhea, and increased susceptibility to cold.
Excess niacin can also lead to health problems but is hard to raise niacin levels so high it would cause serious problems. This is due to Niacin's water-soluable property so when you take in excess niacin your body will simply excrete it through the urinary system.
Niacin can be found most often in pill or powder form. Women typically require 14 mg of niacin daily while men require 16 mg daily. Over 20 mg will typically lead to some side effects like skin rashes, changes in insulin levels, red flushing of the skin, and liver damage. Supplements are typically taken with food to increase absorption.
The Niacin Flush
This is one of the side effects experienced by users who take too much niacin in a short amount of time. It includes dizziness, shaking, chills, shortness of breath, fast heartbeat, and in extreme cases fainting.
The niacin flush is usually indicated by these symptoms as well as a red “flushing” appearance of the face in which red splotches appear and a warm sensation can be felt by the individual.
The flush is not harmful or dangerous but does let you know your limits of niacin intake. It doesn’t lead to any medical complications. Caution should be taken if experiencing a flush however, as fainting can result in injury (although rare).
There are “no-flush” niacin supplements available but while they provide protection against flushes, they do not provide the same benefits for managing cholesterol.
Average: $5-$15
This is only an average and many can cost more or less than this range.
• Increase blood flow
• Increase energy
• Increase HDL levels
• Decrease LDL levels
• Maintain Health
D.Pros and Cons
Increase energy production. Niacin takes part in the breakdown and utilization of food which provides energy.
Maintain Cholesterol. This vitamin is important to balance out the LDL and HDL levels in your body and lower your overall bad cholesterol.
Increases Focus. Improves how well you are able to hold your focus and really concentrate on the task at hand.
Easy Consumption. You can find these in pill or powder form.
Side effects. Hard to attain serious side effects in a healthy individual as niacin is water-soluble although the “niacin flush” is a more common experience with minor effects.
Niacin Flush. Some may experience this flush sensation which can have a wide variety of minor side effects.
Not Always Needed. If you eat a well balanced diet than chances are that you do not require a niacin supplement as your diet naturally provides enough vitamin B3.
E.Try It
Here is a link where you can purchase a popular and effective Niacin (B3) product at a very competitive price: