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Soy Protein

A. About
B. Cost
C. Effects
D. Pros and Cons
E. Try It
A. About
Soy protein is free of most fat, lactose, and cholesterol making it an important protein source for many lactose intolerant individuals. It is made from the soya bean and digest faster than most food sources of protein.
Many love the fact that soy is from a natural source with minimal processing and not made from an animal source as whey protein is. It is an all natural protein source which can be found in powder form to be used to make protein shakes.
Most of soy proteins benefits come from its isoflavone content. These antioxidants fight cell damage and also have anabolic effects to heal your muscle tissue after a tough workout.
Soy protein is a plant protein and therefore is an “incomplete” protein due to the limiting amount of essential amino acids that all meats have.
Whether or not you choose to use soy protein is up to you. Do you want a heart healthy protein for overall health purposes or are lactose intolerant? Soy protein may be the perfect fit. If however you want a high quality complete protein for muscle growth than other protein supplements should be investigated.
Average: $15-$30
This is only an average and many can cost more or less than this range. This product tends to be on the cheaper end of protein products.
• Increase muscle
• Increase fat-burning
• Boost metabolism
• Provide “clean” calories
• Enhance weight loss
• Decrease muscle catabolism
• Boost immune system
• Decrease LDL’s (Bad cholesterol)
• Reduces risk of many diseases such as heart Disease
D.Pros and Cons
Builds Muscle. If you want to increase the rate you are building muscle with your workouts than whey protein isolate is the best of the best.
Burns fat. Since this supplement increases your metabolism, it will increase the rate at which you burn fat all day long.
Leaner protein. This is one of the leanest protein with the lactose and fat taken out to isolate the protein.
Price. It is on the less expensive range of protein supplements but also less effective in protein uptake.
Price. The cost can be a bit high for proteins but worth the extra money.
GI disturbances. This product can cause gastro intestinal side effects such as extra gas in some individuals especially those who are lactose intolerant.
Slower Uptake. Although this supplement is faster than food sources of protein such as chicken, it is not near as fast as other supplements such as whey protein isolate.
E.Try It
Here is a link where you can purchase a popular and effective whey protein isolate product at a very competitive price:

Soy protein is derived from the soya bean seen here.
Supplement Information