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Supplement Guide
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Supplement Reviews:

A. About/How it Works
B. Cost
C. Effects
D. Pros and Cons
E. Try It
A. About
Tribulus is a herb that has been used in China and India for centuries. Around 1990 tribulus entered the United States after Olympic athletes said taking it helped their performance.
Tribulus is most commonly used for infertility, erectile dysfunction, and low libido. In the past century, however, it has been used as a popular sport supplement to increase sport performance.
The usual dosage is 85 to 250 mg three times daily and with meals. Pregnant or nursing women should not use tribulus.
How does it work?
Tribulus works by increasing testosterone levels indirectly. It boost a hormone in your body called lutenizing hormone which leads to a chain of events increase testosterone.
By increasing testosterone your body will more readily build muscle and burn more fat. One thing to note about Tribulus is that more research is needed to confirm the claims made about the herb. While there are some studies that have shown it works there are also those that show it doesn’t work.
B. Cost
Average: $10-$20
This is only an average and many can cost more or less than this range.
• Increase strength
• Increase testosterone
• Increase metabolism
• Increase muscle mass
• Decrease fat levels
• Increase libido
D.Pros and Cons
Builds Muscle. Improve your muscle building capabilities with tribulus.
Boost Intensity. Will allow your intensity during workouts to increase more than you ever thought.
Increase Libido. Improve your sex life with this testosterone boosting supplement.
Increases metabolism. As your muscle mass increases so will your metabolism which increases your fat burning capabilities.
Easy Consumption. This product usually comes in pill form which makes it simple to take 3 times daily.
Claims. There is more needed research before all of the claims on tribulus can be accepted.
Price. A little more expensive than many supplements as they really contain multiple supplements is one such as caffeine, creatine, BCAA’s, etc.
Side effects. Some side effects such as glycostemia in which breast tissue growth increases in males, has been reported in some instances.
E.Try It
Here is a link where you can purchase a popular and effective Tribulus product at a very competitive price: