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Supplement Guide
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Supplement Information:

A. About/How it Works
B. Cost
C. Effects
D. Pros and Cons
E. Try It
A. About
Yohimbe is a herbal supplement from the bark of an evergreen tree that grows in western Africa. It has been used for centuries as a sexual stimulant to increase pleasure and endurance. In more modern times it is used to treat erectile dysfunction.
Yohimbe also has been thought to increase your metabolism, burn fat, and reduce appetite. There is still ongoing research to determine the actual fat burning capabilities of Yohimbe but seems promising for now.
It has gained notable popularity for people suffering from fat accumulation in a specific body part such as the obliques and/or thighs.
Is it safe?
Yohimbe has some side effects which can become pretty serious. Some such effects are: fluctuation in blood pressure, anxiety, kidney failure, hives, rashes, swelling, irritation, and itching. People with diabetes should also avoid using Yohimbe as this will result in more side effects and problems.
While these side effects are rare to see in people, you should still be aware and take precaution before trying Yohimbe products. People with diabetes should avoid it altogether.
How does it work?
Yohimbe works to burn fat by increasing blood supply. By increasing your blood supply, the fat concentrate area will be more rich in blood and release some fat from this area.
It is important to note that you must also combine Yohimbe with diet and exercise to really see the effects. Exercise will increase your blood flow while dieting will limit the amount of fat being stored.
B. Cost
Average: $10-$20
This is only an average and many can cost more or less than this range.
C. Effects
• Promote weight Loss
• Increase fat burning
• Decrease appetite
• Targeted fat accumulation
• Increase sexual libido
• Increase sexual endurance
D. Pros and Cons
Weight Loss. Reduce your weight through Yohimbe’s fat burning capabilities.
Spot Fat Reduction. Increasing blood flow to those “hard to get rid of” fat areas is a highlighted feature of Yohimbe.
Increase Libido. Increases sex drive and endurance. Yohimbe has been used for hundreds of years for this purpose.
Health Benefits. It is FDA approved and a necessary nutrient for individuals with conditions such as ED. Always consult your physician prior to use.
Decrease Appetite. This will assist you in your weight loss goals aside from metabolic increasing capabilities of Yohimbe.
Easy Consumption. Comes in easy to take pill form so you can take it anywhere, anytime.
Price. Less expensive than almost all other weight loss supplements.
Claims. There needs to be more research before Yohimbe’s claims can be verified as a weight loss product.
Side Effects. Although rare, the potential side effects can be serious and consideration needs to be taken into account prior to use.
E.Try It
Here is a link where you can purchase a popular and effective Yohimbe product at a very competitive price: