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1. Vertical Leg Crunches
Starting Position:
• Begin by back on a mat.
• Bend at the hips and place feet high in the air.
• There should be a slight bend at the knees.
• Everyone will have variations in flexibility so just raise hips as high as you
• Place arms straight and out in front of you.
• Elevate upper body so that shoulders come off the mat.
Upward Phase:
• Try to reach your feet with your hands.
• Your upper back should come further off the mat.
• Do not swing up to try and reach your legs, just get as close as possible.
• Breathe out as you rise.
• Keep abdominals contracted throughout movement.
Downward Phase:
• Slowly control the movement back to just before your shoulders touch the
• Keep abdominals contracted.
• Breathe in as you lower back down.
• Repeat until desired repetitions are performed.
2. Crunches
Starting Position:
• Lay back on a mat with your knees bent at 90 degrees.
• Keep feet flat on the ground throughout exercise.
• Place arms in front of the chest crossed.
Upward Phase:
• Slowly curl our trunk up as you contract your abdominals.
• Do not use momentum to crunch up.
• Breathe out as you crunch up.
• Try to touch your elbows to your knees and pause for a second.
Downward Phase:
• Slowly control the motion backward.
• Your abs should still be contracted.
• Stop just short of your shoulder blades touching the mat.
• Repeat until desired repetitions are performed.
• You can make this exercise more challenging by placing your hands behind
the head in the “relaxed position”.
• To make it even harder try stick your arms straight back without a bend at
the elbows.
• The entire crunch exercise is really only a few inches and not meant to be a
big movement.
• To really work those abdominals, breathe all the air out on the way up and
pause and contract before lowering your body.
3. Sit-Ups
Starting Position:
• Begin by placing your legs under something sturdy while sitting.
• This can be anything but for this example, dumbbells are used.
• Use heavy enough dumbbells to support your weight.
• Place feet underneath the dumbbell bars so that the bars are perpendicular
to your pointed straight feet.
• Once secure, lay back so that your knees are bent at 90 degrees.
• Place arms crossed in front of the chest.
Upward Phase:
• While keeping your back slightly arched (not rounded!) raise your body up to
your thighs
• Breathe out as you come up while contracting your abs.
• Movement is complete once you cannot sit up anymore from your thighs or if
you back begins to round.
Downward Phase:
• Slowly control the motion backwards.
• Abdominals should be contracted the entire time.
• Do not round back as you come down.
• Stop just before your shoulder blades touch the mat.
• Breathe in as you descend.
• Repeat exercise until the desired repetitions are completed.
• Make the exercise harder by placing your hands behind the head (Don’t
support your head with the hands).
• Get creative with the supports for your feet. You can tuck them under a door
or have a friend place their knees on your feet.
• If you really want a challenge, hold some weights to your chest as you
perform this exercise.
4. Alternating Leg Lifts
Starting Position:
• Lay back on a mat with arms at the sides and hands flat.
• Raise head and shoulders off mat.
• Contract abdominals and lift legs approximately 6 inches off mat.
Upward Phase:
• Begin alternately raising one leg while lowering the other.
• The lowered leg should not contact the mat.
• Hands should not come off mat.
• Try not to use momentum from the rest of your body although slight
movement will and should occur.
• Keep abdominals tightened throughout.
Downward Phase:
• Now let your legs switch roles as the other rises this time.
• Keep abdominals contracted.
• Try to keep your shoulder blades off the floor as best you can.
• If you want to make this exercise more challenging try adding ankle weights.
• As you get better at this exercise you will be able to raise your trunk higher
into the air while holding.
5. Alternating Leg Tucks
Starting Position:
• Begin by getting into the plank position: Body in a straight line, toes
pointed on mat, knees straight, arms straight, and hands flat on mat.
Upward Phase:
• Slowly bend one leg at the knee up to the chest.
• Keep abdominals contracted throughout motion.
• Breathe out as you bend leg.
• Movement is complete once you reach your chest or cannot flex your leg up
any farther.
Downward Phase:
• Slowly control the motion back to the starting position.
• Repeat with other leg in an alternating fashion.
• Be sure to stabilize with toes on mat before raising the other leg up.
• Don’t simply throw legs backwards; control the backwards motion of each
• Try the “Mountain Climber” variation where one leg is bent towards the chest
while the other leg is simultaneously behind extended back. (In contrast to
one leg at a time motion)
6. Swiss Ball Crunches
There are many variations of crunches that can be done on the Swiss ball. The most common crunch will be explained here.
Starting Position:
• Get a Swiss ball that matches your height. Do this by making sure ball is at
knee level on the floor.
• Sit on the ball and make sure feet are at least shoulder width.
• Lay back so your shoulder blades are not contacting the ball.
• Place hands crossed in front of the chest.
• Head and neck should remain tucked and in line with your trunk.
Upward Position:
• Begin to crunch forwards as you try to touch your knees with your elbows.
• Knees should remain stationary and only as a target for your elbows.
• Do not allow knees to flare in or out.
• Breathe out as you contract your abdominals.
• Do not bounce off ball in attempt to reach further.
Downward Phase:
• Slowly control your trunk back down to the starting position by extending
your spine.
• Do not allow your upper back to rest on the ball.
• Don’t bounce backwards.
• Breathe out as you return to the starting position.
• Try making the exercise harder by having a more narrow foot stance.
• Make the exercise easier by having a wider stance.
• Place your arms behind your head, straight back in line with your body, or
holding weights to make this exercise challenging.
7. Cable Crunches
Starting Position:
• Set a cable tower pulley with rope attachment approximately at the middle
• Grasp rope with a neutral grip (palms toward each other).
• Kneel down with the rope in hand and back up until you feel resistance.
• Knees should be about shoulder width apart.
• Flex trunk forward so that you are gripping the rope behind the head.
• Feel free to rest body weight on legs if comfortable.
Downward Phase:
• Slowly contract the abdominals as you crunch in a down and inward direction.
• Contract your abdominals prior to moving to facilitate the initiation with your
• Do not extend your elbows in an effort to help move the weight.
• Don’t press your hands on your head to help press the weight downward.
• Movement is complete once you reach your thighs or cannot flex any further
at the trunk.
Upward Phase:
• Slowly control the motion back to approximately a 45 degree angle.
• This is the point when you will start to lose tension in your abdominals.
• Do not let weight heave you backwards as this can result in injury.
• Try kneeling further away than usual to make the exercise harder.
• If you have sensitive knees it is recommended that you use a mat or
something comfortable underneath your knees.
8. Swiss Ball Walkouts (with side twist)
Starting Position:
• Begin by selecting the appropriate sized Swiss ball for your height.
• Do this by standing next to the ball. It should at knee level.
• Slowly lay forward on the ball with your stomach in contact with the ball.
Upward Position:
• You should slowly roll from your chest, to your stomach, to your legs over
the ball.
• Walkout past the ball on your arms to assist in rolling up over the ball.
• Your arms should be straight and hands flat on the ground supporting you.
• Legs should be entirely straight.
• Head and neck should be in line with your body.
• Only your feet should be in contact with the ball at this point.
• Now twist to one side, pause, twist to the other side, and pause.
• Twist until you feel tightness on the sides of your ribcage.
• After both twists, come back to the center.
Downward Phase:
• Slowly walk your hands backward as your body rolls back over the ball.
• Roll from your legs, to your hips, to your chest.
• Do not roll off the ball sideways as injury may occur (and incomplete
• Once ball is under your chest, bend at the knees and plant your feet in the
ground to push off of.
• Press on the ground with your extended arms for support. Do not use ball.
• Caution: Do not put pressure on the ball because if it rolls over, you will fall.
• Remember when you roll on ball your head will be about 4-5feet in front of
where you were originally. Plan your exercise space accordingly.
• There are many variations of this exercise and should be experimented with!
• You can avoid the twist altogether or substitute the twist for alternating arm
raises out in front of you.
• Try also using one leg for support at a time on the ball for a more advanced
Exercise Guide
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Abs Exercises:
(In order of appearance)
1. Vertical Leg Crunches
2. Standard Crunches
3. Sit-Ups
4. Alternating Leg Lifts
5. Alternating Leg Tucks
6. Swiss Ball Crunches
7. Cable Crunches
8. Swiss Ball Walkouts