•Hold the barbell in front of you with a closed, supinated grip.
• Make sure your hands are about shoulder width apart so hands touch the sides of your torso.
• Stand straight and make sure feet are shoulder width apart and flex knees slightly (They shouldn't be locked).
• Rest bar on the front of the thighs with elbows fully extended.
Upward Movement Phase:
• Flex your elbows until the bar has reached near your anterior deltoids (shoulders).
• Keep torso straight and upper arms stationary the whole time.
• Elbows should be relatively locked to your sides with little movement.
• Don’t swing the bar with your body weight--this can lead to injury!
Downward Movement Phase:
• Lower the bar slowly until elbows are fully extended.
• Body and knees should be in same position as when you started.
• Stop once bar has reached near thigh where movement began (without resting on thigh). And repeat.
• Be sure not to bounce weight off thigh to gain momentum.
2. Dumbbell Biceps Curl:
Starting Position:
• Can be seated or standing with hand grasping dumbbells at sides with palms facing your body.
• Stand up tall if standing or straighten back if seated throughout.
• Feet should be shoulder width apart.
• Arms should be hanging straight down with palms in front of you.
Upward Movement Phase:
• Begin by flexing at the elbow.
• Palms should be facing forward until elbow is flexed all the way (then facing you).
• Keep wrist straight and don't allow for bending as this can cause injury.
• Flex elbows until you cannot move any farther.
• Palms should now be facing your shoulder.
• Elbows should stay close to torso the whole time.
• Do not use momentum to swing the weight.
Downward Movement Phase:
• Slowly extend elbows while keeping them tucked in at your torso.
• Keep wrist and back straight.
• Keep palms facing forward.
• Movement is complete when arms are near where they began.
3. Biceps Hammer Curl: Starting Position:
• Grasp two dumbbells with closed neutral grip (palms facing torso) hanging at sides.
• Feet should be shoulder width apart.
• Elbows should be fully extended.
• Back should be straight.
Upward Movement Phase: • Begin by flexing one arm at the elbow while keeping wrist in neutral position.
• Continue movement until dumbbell is at level with the front of the shoulder. (Keep elbow at side throughout.)
Downward Movement Phase:
• Lower the elbow until weight is fully extended keeping the neutral grip throughout.
• Keep elbow at side and don't allow to flare out.
• Movement is complete when arm is back at starting position. Repeat with other arm.
4. Standing Resistance Cable Curls:
Starting Position:
• Cable should be placed on the lowest setting so that when standing up with grip in hand, tension can be felt when trying to flex upward.
• Feet shoulder width apart.
• Grasp bar or rope with palms facing in front of you.
• Elbows should be tucked in at sides throughout.
• Stand up tall throughout and keep knees slightly bent.
Upward Movement Phase:
• Keep your elbows locked to your sides, curl upward until palms are facing your shoulder.
• Be sure not to swing the weight.
• Maintain a slight bend in the knees and straight back throughout.
Downward Movement Phase:
• Slowly lower weight until in the starting position.
• Keep elbows tucked in.
• Keep knees slightly bent and back straight.
*Note: There are many different bars and ropes that you can use with resistance cable exercises. The principles above should hold true no matter which grip device is used.