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Nutrition Guide
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Free Diet Plans:
3500+ Calorie Diet:
Extreme Weight Gain
3500+ Calorie Diet Plan

This diet for individuals requiring approximately 3500 calories or more a day based on current activity level, height, weight, age, goals etc. To find out your daily caloric intake check out the Daily Caloric Intake Calculator page and then choose the appropriate diet plan based on your results. Included here is the diet that is to be followed daily and is meant for those trying to gain weight or very large individuals who require large amounts of calories to maintain their weight. See below diet for info on increasing from 3,550 calories.
It is important for you to also be on an exercise program when on a weight gaining diet to keep fat levels minimal and enhance muscle gains. Check out our workout routines area where you can select workouts based on your experience and preference.
# Item Calories Protein Carbs Fat
Meal 1:
Egg whites (5 eggs)
Oat Meal (2 cups)
Skim Milk (8 oz.)
Apple (1)
Meal 2:
Chicken Breast (6 oz.)
Cottage Cheese (1/2 cup)
Garden Salad (1cup)
Meal 3:
Tuna (6 oz)
Apple (2)
Oat Meal (2 Cups)
Meal 4:
(1 serving)
Banana (2)
Meal 5:
Salmon (6 oz.)
Oat Meal (2 cups)
Meal 6:
Cottage Cheese (1 cup)
Banana (2)
Oat Meal (2 cups)
Grand Total:
Follow this diet day in and day out and you are sure to pack on that lean mass while keeping fat levels to a minimum. The products listed in the diet routine (blue links) are the recommended products and work with this diet optimally but if you want to use another product for any reason you can visit or fitness store with a huge selection of supplements and far cheaper than other supplement sources.
Increasing beyond 3500 calories...
To increase the calorie intake to meet your unique needs, simply add another scoop of . This weight gainer will give you "clean calories" with just the right blend of carbs, fat, and protein to build muscle.
If you prefer, you can also add in other foods depending on how many calories you want to gain. Check out our nutritional calculator page where you can enter any food and get its nutritional content to determine how much of what foods you need to add to this diet. But again, the simplest and most effective method is too add the True Mass supplement to your diet.
85 17.5 0.3 0
300 12 50 4.8
86 8.4 11.9 0.4
81 0.3 21.1 0.5
552 38.2 83.3 5.7
284 53.4 0 6.2
100 14 3.2 1.2
33 2.6 6.7 0.1
417 70 9.9 7.5
312 50.8 0 10
162 0.6 42.2 1
300 12 50 4.8
774 63.4 92.2 15.8
220 50 6 0
210 2.4 53.4 1.2
430 52.4 59.4 1.2
314 46.6 0 10
300 12 50 4.8
614 58.6 50 14.8
200 28 6.2 2.4
210 2.4 53.4 1.2
300 12 50 4.8
710 42.4 109.6 8.4
3497 325 404.4 53.4