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Training Guide
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Monday: Full Body
Friday: Full Body
20-Minute Training
Brought to you by Directlyfitness.com, this is a workout plan for those days when time is short but you still want to do the best you can with what you got. The limited time duration of this workout plan involves many exercise techniques to quickly fatigue the muscles such as “tri-sets” and “super sets”.
This high-intensity weightlift style routine is centered on building muscle and strength while introducing a muscular endurance component. You will be constantly moving and 20 minutes is all you need to get in and out of the gym.
Although it is not recommended to perform this exercise as your daily routine, some may find that they don’t have much time in their daily lives at all. This is why this workout routine was created.
There should never be an excuse to not workout and eliminating time as a factor is one step in the right direction. So those of you that truly can make time, try a different routine and use this only on those time limited days. For the few of you that don’t have an hour block to exercise, this routine will provide the best effort for the time allowed.
Principles of 20-MT
Type: Weight Lifting
Time: 20 minutes
Reps: 10-12
Sets: 2-3
Rest Period (Between Sets): 30 seconds
Rest Period (Between Same Muscles trained): 2-3 Days
Training Days Per Week: 3 days
Intensity: High
Weight Load: Moderate-High
Other Principles: A few terms you should know:
• Supersets:
For those of you who don’t recognize the term “super-setting”, it simply means to perform one exercise and then go right to the next exercise without a break.
For example, you perform a set of biceps curls and when finished, you immediately perform a set of triceps press downs.
• Tri-Sets:
The same exact principles as with super-setting except that instead of two exercises involved, there are now three.
From the example above, you would perform a set of bicep curls, then tricep press downs, and then a set of hammer curls right after that.
Why the 20-Minute Training Routine Works
• Moderate to high weight loads. Moderate weight loads are lifted in high volume and without rest in many instances to create a high threshold workout in less time. This allows your body to get the best workout available in this time frame.
• Major muscle groups are trained first. These major muscles are trained primarily with compound exercises which require more time and energy while also producing the most muscle building potential. Smaller isolated exercises follow the compound for maximal muscle fatiguing and growth and are usually super-setted.
• Small recovery periods. Small recovery periods = less time in the gym and more high intensity muscle building action in the gym. This is the basis behind this workout and is the key to saving your time. 30 second breaks sets is all the recovery time you get between sets.
• Increased muscular endurance. As you start off using this routine you will find that it will leave you out of breath. Over time you will increase you ability to exercise harder and with shorter rest periods.
• Burn more fat. You will be constantly moving with this routine as you build muscle and burn fat. It works all components of fitness and you should be out of breath and sweating by the end of 20 minutes. If not, you didn’t work intense enough.
20-Minute Training Workout Routine
Note: If you find that you cannot recover in time for the next workout, try exercising every three days instead of every other. You will still get 3 workouts a week with that extra rest day needed. The unlisted days are rest days.
• Squats (3 sets X 10 reps)
-Superset with-
• Bench Press (3 sets X 10 reps)
• Lunges (3 sets X 12 reps)
-Tri-set with-
• Pull-Ups (3 sets X 12 reps)
-Tri-set with-
• Leg Press (3 sets X 12 reps)
• Dumbbell Bicep Curls (3 sets X 10 reps)
-Superset with-
• Tricep Dips (3 sets X 10 reps)
• Squats (3 sets X 10 reps)
-Superset with-
• Bench Press (3 sets X 10 reps)
• Lunges (3 sets X 12 reps)
-Tri-set with-
• Pull-Ups (3 sets X 12 reps)
-Tri-set with-
• Leg Press (3 sets X 12 reps)
• Dumbbell Bicep Curls (3 sets X 10 reps)
-Superset with-
• Tricep Dips (3 sets X 10 reps)
• Squats (3 sets X 10 reps)
-Superset with-
• Bench Press (3 sets X 10 reps)
• Lunges (3 sets X 12 reps)
-Tri-set with-
• Pull-Ups (3 sets X 12 reps)
-Tri-set with-
• Leg Press (3 sets X 12 reps)
• Dumbbell Bicep Curls (3 sets X 10 reps)
-Superset with-
• Tricep Dips (3 sets X 10 reps)
Wednesday: Full Body
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