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Training Guide
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Monday: Chest and Triceps
Tuesday: Back and Biceps
Thursday: Legs
Saturday: Abs and Cardio
Friday: Shoulders and Traps
This 5-Day a week weight lifting and cardiovascular workout that is designed to put your body into an increased metabolic state for maximum fat burning in minimal amount of time.
A high volume workout design with lower weights and minimal recovery periods between workout days make this workout routine excellent for anyone wishing to get in shape for an upcoming event or just plain wants to get fit. This is not circuit training per se, but rather a powerful variation that will allow for greater calorie loss.
Type: Weight Lifting/Cardiovascular
Time: 45-1 hr weightlifting, followed by >15 min Cardio (1hr-1hr 15 min)
Reps: 12-16
Sets: 3 per Major Muscle Group
Rest Period (Between Sets):30 sec-1 min
Rest Period (Between Workouts): 1-2 days
Training Days Per Week: 5 days per week
Intensity: Moderate (Weightlifting), High (Cardio)
Weight Load: Light-Moderate
Why the Fat Blaster Routine Works
• Low-Moderate weights used to allow for higher repetition sets. You should lift as heavy as you can to allow for the rep range of 12-16 to be met and not a rep more. This will insure the most calories being burned and ready for the next set shorter.
• Dumbbells are primarily used as this requires stability muscles to activate and therefore more calories to be burned. Although generally weight lifted will be less with dumbbells as compared to a barbell, more muscles and calories will be used leading to greater fat loss.
• Small recovery periods. This is due to the lighter weights used and is designed to keep your body moving as much as possible and burning as many calories as possible.
• After every workout, at least 15 minutes of high intensity cardio should be performed (above 60% of you Max HR). This will keep your metabolic rate up even after you are done with your workout. Over time you can increase the amount of cardio you perform.
• You can keep it interesting. Get creative with your exercises as you add or modify the ones in the below workout plan. Also try and use various forms of cardio such as running, swimming, or biking.
• Raises your metabolism. The weightlifting alone will be enough to increase your metabolism several times over. With the added high intensity cardio at the end of each session, you will really see the fat loss occur quickly.
• Build muscle while burning fat. The rep range was specifically chosen to be on the edge of muscle building (8-12 reps) and well into the fat burning stage (>12 reps). You’ll build muscle while losing weight. The more muscle on your body, the more fat you’ll burn.
5 Day Fat Blaster Workout Routine
Here is the workout routine with exercises listed in an order that should be followed for each day. Feel free to modify or substitute similar exercises as you see fit.
Some exercises are described as being in the “crouched position” which means standing straight up and then bending at the knees slightly, chest out, head up, and back slightly bent (like sitting in the air). All exercises are to be performed with a set of dumbbells unless otherwise specified:
• Flat Bench Press (3 sets X 12 reps)
• Incline Bench Press (3 sets X 12 reps)
• Lying Chest Fly’s (3 sets X 14 reps)
• Triceps Kickbacks (Bent over Crouched Position) (3 X 15 reps)
• Triceps Press-Downs on Cable Tower (3 sets X 15 reps)
• Push-ups (3 sets X 15 reps)
• Ab Crunches on Swiss Ball (4 sets until fatigue)
• Bicycle Crunches (4 sets until fatique)
• At Least 15 min of High Intensity Cardio
• Bent over Rows (3 sets X 12 reps)
• Machine Lat-Pulldowns with wide grip (3 sets X 12 reps)
• Cable Tower Rows with narrow grip (crouched position) (3 sets X 12 reps)
• Standing Bicep Curls (3 sets X 15 reps)
• Standing Hammer Curls (3 sets X 15 reps)
• Oblique Crunches on Swiss Ball (3 sets until fatigue)
• Oblique “Wood Chops” on cable tower (3 sets until fatigue)
• At Least 15 min of High Intensity Cardio
• Barbell Squats (3 sets X 14 reps)
• Leg Press Machine (3 sets X 14 reps)
• Walking Lunges (3 sets X 14 reps)
• Standing Calf Raises (3 sets X 16 reps)
• Seated Calf Raises (3 sets X 16 reps)
• Ab Crunches on Swiss Ball (4 sets until fatigue)
• Bicycle Crunches (4 sets until fatique)
• At Least 15 min of High Intensity Cardio
• Seated Shoulder Press (3 sets X 15 reps)
• Front Shoulder Raise (3 sets X 15 reps)
• Side Shoulder Raise (3 sets X 15 reps)
• Standing Backwards Shoulder Raise (crouched position) (3 sets X 15 reps)
• Standing Shoulder Shrug (3 sets X 12 reps)
• Oblique Crunches on Swiss Ball (3 sets until fatigue)
• Oblique “Wood Chops” on cable tower (3 sets until fatigue)
• At Least 15 min of High Intensity Cardio
• Ab Crunches on Swiss Ball (4 sets until fatigue)
• Bicycle Crunches (4 sets until fatigue)
• Planks (3 sets until fatigue)
• Side Planks (3 sets until fatigue on each side)
• At Least 30 min of High Intensity Cardio
5-Day Fat Burner Training
Sunday: Rest
Wednesday: Rest

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