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Training Guide
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Monday: Cardio: 15 min-30min
Saturday: Cardio: 15 min-30min
Thursday: Cardio: 15 min-30min
Saturday: Cardio: 15 min-30 min
Wednesday: Cardio: 15 min-30min
Monday: Cardio: 15 min-30min
Friday: Cardio: 15 min-30min
Monday: Cardio: 20 min-30 min
Thursday: Cardio: 20 min-30 min
Saturday: Cardio: 20 min-30 min
Tuesday: Cardio: 20 min-30 min
Friday: Cardio: 20 min-30 min
Machines like the treadmill are recommended for advanced interval training due to the resistance settings.
Advanced Interval Training
A. Overview
B. Principles
C. Why it works
D. Routine
A. Overview
This is the more advanced version of the interval training program designed to give you maximal results for minimal workout time. is a liberal program with the mode of exercise entirely up to the individual although stationary bikes, elliptical, or treadmills are recommended to get the timing down involved.
This advanced version is very high intensity with a 1:1 ratio of high: low intensity training. You will be performing high intensity activity for 1 minute followed by only 1 minute of low intensity activity. This is a hard form of cardio designed for only for individuals with advanced training in cardiovascular activity.
Not only will it be a 1:1 ratio, but the higher intensity portion will also be a higher resistance and thus cardio machines will be needed to perform this advanced version where resistance can be manipulated.
The short overall time period of 30 min max is set because if you are training full force you will not be able to sustain this high intensity exercise for much longer than 30 minutes and in fact shouldn’t as doing so will lead to overtraining.
What is interval training?
Interval training is working out at low intensity the majority of the time with small spurts of high intensity training. Many studies have shown it to be far superior to long duration low intensity training commonly performed.
By performing interval training you will be working out less time than traditional cardio programs would have you do. This is due to the higher intensity nature of the training.
This workout routine is great for those of you who don’t particularly like to spend a long time on cardio machines or get bored in the process. Now you can work out a little harder but with rest in between for better results.
How it works
Despite the shorter duration that interval
training focuses on, many benefits are
greater than that of traditional long
duration, low intensity cardio. It has been
shown to increase fat burning capabilities
as well as muscle building potential.
This can be thought of a sort of a hybrid
between weight training and cardiovascular
training. You get a little bit of the benefits
of both types of training. You burn more
fat from the cardiovascular training and
also build muscle in the process which
most cardio programs do not.
How does this work?
When you run for long durations at a low intensity you are burning fat as a primary fuel source but shortly after this stops. When you perform interval training you use carbohydrates as a primary fuel sources during the training but your metabolism remains elevated up to 48 hours. This is when you fat burning will take place with interval training.
So you can see that interval training burns far more calories from both carbohydrates and fat. As a side note it is important to eat plenty of whole grain carbohydrates such as wheat bread, pasta, and oats for optimal interval training results. If you can’t exercise at the proper intensity the program won’t work.
Muscle gains come from the short burst of cardio that involve major muscle groups and most commonly your legs (unless doing a rowing activity). You will begin to notice your legs and/or arms become more toned as a result.
B. Principles
Type: Cardiovascular
Time: 15 min- 30 min
Reps: None
Sets: None
Intervals: 1 min
Rest Period (Between Intervals): 1 min
Rest Period (Between cardio days): 2-3 days
Training Days Per Week: 3-5 days per week
Intensity: High
Weight Load: Moderate-High
C. Why the Beginners Interval Training Works
• Increased Metabolism. This type of training will boost your resting metabolism for a greater fat burning effect.
• Shorter Recovery Periods. The shorter recovery periods will challenge your body into further improvement beyond beginner level.
• Recovery Days. You can start by performing 3 cardio days a week with at least 48 hours of rest in between each. This allows full energy to be used on your next work out rather than exercising inefficiently every day.
• Increased muscular endurance. As you start off using this routine you will find that it will leave you out of breath. Over time you will increase you ability to exercise harder and with shorter rest periods.
• Flexibility. Although a cardiovascular machine is needed, there are several you can choose from such as: treadmill, bike, elliptical, or row machine.
• Burn more fat. The more muscle you build, the more fat you will burn. This is due to the fact that your metabolic rate at rest will increase with the amount of body mass that you acquire (lean or not). Make it lean body mass (muscle) and you got a recipe for maximum fat burning power.
D. Advanced Interval Training Workout
Start with 3 days a week until you feel your body recovers fully within 48-72 hours. Then up the workout days to 4 a week. Progress to 5 a week once you can recover fully between each workout on the 4-day/week workout routine.
Note: The warm-up and cool-down periods do not count towards the workout time.
Note: When applying a higher resistance use your best judgment. Choose a difficulty that will challenge you during that minute. It is best to increase at least 2 resistance stages higher on most cardio machines.
3-Day/Week Workout
• 5 min warm-up
• Then 1 min High Intensity Activity + Higher Resistance
• Then 1 min Low Intensity Activity
• Repeat until workout complete
• 5 min cool-down
• 5 min warm-up
• Then 1 min High Intensity Activity + Higher Resistance
• Then 1 min Low Intensity Activity
• Repeat until workout complete
• 5 min cool-down
• 5 min warm-up
• Then 1 sec High Intensity Activity + Higher Resistance
• Then 1 min Low Intensity Activity
• Repeat until workout complete
• 5 min cool-down
4-Day/Week Workout
• 5 min warm-up
• Then 1 min High Intensity Activity + Higher Resistance
• Then 1 min Low Intensity Activity
• Repeat until workout complete
• 5 min cool-down
• 5 min warm-up
• Then 1 min High Intensity Activity + Higher Resistance
• Then 1 min Low Intensity Activity
• Repeat until workout complete
• 5 min cool-down
• 5 min warm-up
• Then 1 min High Intensity Activity + Higher Resistance
• Then 1 min Low Intensity Activity
• Repeat until workout complete
• 5 min cool-down
• 5 min warm-up
• Then 1 min High Intensity Activity + Higher Resistance
• Then 1 min Low Intensity Activity
• Repeat until workout complete
• 5 min cool-down
5-Day/Week Workout
• 5 min warm-up
• Then 1 min High Intensity Activity + Higher Resistance
• Then 1 min Low Intensity Activity
• Repeat until workout complete
• 5 min cool-down
• 5 min warm-up
• Then 1 min High Intensity Activity + Higher Resistance
• Then 1 min Low Intensity Activity
• Repeat until workout complete
• 5 min cool-down
• 5 min warm-up
• Then 1 min High Intensity Activity + Higher Resistance
• Then 1 min Low Intensity Activity
• Repeat until workout complete
• 5 min cool-down
• 5 min warm-up
• Then 1 min High Intensity Activity + Higher Resistance
• Then 1 min Low Intensity Activity
• Repeat until workout complete
• 5 min cool-down
• 5 min warm-up
• Then 1 min High Intensity Activity + Higher Resistance
• Then 1 min Low Intensity Activity
• Repeat until workout complete
• 5 min cool-down

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