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Training Guide
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Max Muscle Builder Training
A. Overview of M.M.B.
This is a 5-Day week weight lifting styled workout that is designed to put your body into an anabolic state for maximal muscle building and minimal loss. This program is designed to be high intensity with moderate weight loads, yet minimal recovery time between
A moderate volume workout design with split training days focusing
only specific body parts based on muscle action will leave your body
with plenty of recovery time. Days are split up based on “push” and
“pull” movements in which the exercises are based off of. This allows
for recovery and reduced overlap of muscle group training.
B. Principles of M.M.B.
- Time: 45-1 hr weightlifting
- Sets: 3-5 per Major Muscle Group
- Rest Period (Between Sets): 30 sec-1 min
- Rest Period (Between same muscle groups): 5-7 days
- Training Days Per Week: 5 days per week
C. Why M.M.B. Works
Moderate weight loads
This key muscle building range allow for both strength and muscle building potential as well as allowing for less recovery time in between sets. This will lead to more muscle gains in shorter time.
Major muscle groups are trained first
These major muscles are trained primarily with compound exercises which require more time and energy while also producing the most muscle build potential. Smaller isolated exercises follow for maximal muscle fatiguing and growth.
Small recovery periods
Small recovery periods = less time in the gym and more high intensity muscle building action in the gym.
Split muscle group training
One day will involve pushing movements while another will involve pulling. Splitting the week up into specific movement exercises allow for maximum recovery and thus more effort and muscle building over time.
Increased muscular endurance
As you start off using this routine you will find that it will leave you out of breath. Over time you will increase you ability to exercise harder and with shorter rest periods.
Burn more fat
The more muscle you build, the more fat you will burn. This is due to the fact that your metabolic rate at rest will increase with the amount of body mass that you acquire (lean or not). Make it lean body mass (muscle) and you got a recipe for maximum fat burning power.
D. M.M.B. Workout Routine
Here is the workout routine with exercises listed in an order that should be followed for each day. Feel free to modify or substitute similar exercises as you see fit.
Some exercises are described as being in the “crouched position” which means standing straight up and then bending at the knees slightly, chest out, head up, and back slightly bent. All exercises are to be performed with a set of dumbbells unless otherwise specified:
Routine Weekly Split:
• Monday: Chest and Triceps
• Tuesday: Back and Biceps
• Wednesday: Rest
• Thursday: Legs
• Friday: Shoulders and Traps
• Saturday: Abs and Cardio
• Sunday: rest
• Flat Bench Press (3 sets X 12 reps)
• Incline Bench Press (3 sets X 12 reps)
• Lying Chest Fly’s (3 sets X 14 reps)
• Triceps Kickbacks (Bent over Crouched Position) (3 X 15 reps)
• Triceps Press-Downs on Cable Tower (3 sets X 15 reps)
• Push-ups (3 sets X 15 reps)
• Ab Crunches on Swiss Ball (4 sets until fatigue)
• Bicycle Crunches (4 sets until fatique)
• At Least 15 min of High Intensity Cardio
• Bent over Rows (3 sets X 12 reps)
• Machine Lat-Pulldowns with wide grip (3 sets X 12 reps)
• Cable Tower Rows with narrow grip (crouched position) (3 sets X 12 reps)
• Standing Bicep Curls (3 sets X 15 reps)
• Standing Hammer Curls (3 sets X 15 reps)
• Oblique Crunches on Swiss Ball (3 sets until fatigue)
• Oblique “Wood Chops” on cable tower (3 sets until fatigue)
• At Least 15 min of High Intensity Cardio
• Barbell Squats (3 sets X 14 reps)
• Leg Press Machine (3 sets X 14 reps)
• Walking Lunges (3 sets X 14 reps)
• Standing Calf Raises (3 sets X 16 reps)
• Seated Calf Raises (3 sets X 16 reps)
• Ab Crunches on Swiss Ball (4 sets until fatigue)
• Bicycle Crunches (4 sets until fatique)
• At Least 15 min of High Intensity Cardio
• Seated Shoulder Press (3 sets X 15 reps)
• Front Shoulder Raise (3 sets X 15 reps)
• Side Shoulder Raise (3 sets X 15 reps)
• Standing Backwards Shoulder Raise (crouched position) (3 sets X 15 reps)
• Standing Shoulder Shrug (3 sets X 12 reps)
• Oblique Crunches on Swiss Ball (3 sets until fatigue)
• Oblique “Wood Chops” on cable tower (3 sets until fatigue)
• At Least 15 min of High Intensity Cardio
• Ab Crunches on Swiss Ball (4 sets until fatigue)
• Decline Ab Crunches with Weight (4 sets X 12 reps)
• Bicycle Crunches (4 sets until fatigue)
• Planks (3 sets until fatigue)
• Side Planks (3 sets until fatigue on each side)
• At Least 30 min of High Intensity Cardio
A. Overview of M.M.B.
B. Principles of M.M.B.
C. Why M.M.B. Works
D. M.M.B. Workout Routine
Monday: Chest and Triceps
Tuesday: Back and Biceps
Thursday: Legs
Saturday: Abs and Cardio
Friday: Shoulders and Traps

Workout Routines: